As per Rewa Appointee Examiner General of Police, Mithilesh Shukla, while 15 travelers died, north of 20 were harmed in the mishap which occurred late on Friday night.

“The transport, conveying 60 travelers, was en route to Gorakhpur from Hyderabad when it crashed into a fixed 18 wheeler on Public Parkway 30 (NH 30) close to Sohagi ghati region,” Manoj Pushp, Rewa gatherer told IANS, adding that while 12 individuals died on the spot, two died en route to the emergency clinic from Teonthar to Rewa and one capitulated to his wounds in the medical clinic.

The mishap was horrifying to the point that the bodies caught in the transport must be pulled out with the assistance of JCB. The vast majority of the departed are supposed to be occupants of Uttar Pradesh who filled in as workers, and were allegedly sitting in the lodge and on the front seat.

On being cautioned, police staff from Sohagi hurried to the site and sent off a salvage activity.

The occurrence happened between 11.30 p.m and 12 a.m on Friday night. While the vast majority of the harmed were raced to a clinic in Teonthar, the people who experienced serious wounds were moved to Rewa, said SP Navneet Bhaseen.

Boss Clergymen of both the adjoining states – Shivraj Singh Chouhan (Madhya Pradesh) and Yogi Adityanath (Uttar Pradesh) addressed one another and taught authorities to guarantee best clinical treatment to the harmed. The CMs likewise communicated their sympathies over the downfall of individuals, authorities told IANS.

— Hindustan Times (@htTweets) October 22, 2022

Chouhan added that the MP government will bear the expense of treatment of the harmed. Travelers with minor wounds have been shipped off Prayagraj by transport after primer treatment. The bodies are being shipped off Prayagraj. He expressed that in this hour, “We stand with the groups of the departed,” he expressed.