This occurred after the web-based commotion created by the work video.

Beauty Jimoh allegedly began disgracing him again via web-based entertainment, as per GISTLOVER.

The mother of one was once again at it, uncovering the horrible demonstration he had done to her.

At the point when Grace got back to the level she previously lived with the entertainer subsequent to visiting her family in the East, she found that he had pressed the gadgets and decorations.

As per Grace, the entertainer eliminated her generator, leaving her and their youngster without light.

She reviewed Yomi compelling her to dispose of her possessions during their romance.

Effortlessness had recently conceded in a post that she was discouraged.

Yomi Fabiyi invalidated her cases and chastised her for utilizing the orientation card to win support from general society and cash at the gamble of his calling and emotional well-being.

Yomi Fabiyi, who had all the earmarks of being taunting Grace while she was in the process of giving birth, shared a video of Grace encountering work torments and inquired as to whether they suspected she was beaten or generally abused.

His allies called him out for ridiculing her work, which started more reactions to this work video.

Accordingly, Yomi distributed different posts by Grace in which she asserted that he had beaten and generally abused her while she was pregnant.

Yomi undermined the posts by composing:

DISCLAIMER: The work video had been posted beforehand, recieved agreeable remarks, congrats and acclamations.

Fair FOLKS really take a look at the genuineness of direction. Shooting was to report a vital second. How we respond in that were regular. There are heaps of work recordings on the web. The humor in that was the way best I attempt to quiet and dowse strain. I SHOULDER THE RISK THEN THAN ANYBODY AND I AM HAPPY I WAS THERE FULLY WHEN NEEDED MOST.

No naked, edited part was recorded and delivered. Affectation is the point at which some movement with xray machines, examine to score modest online entertainment focuses, show stowed away disdain or exploit the namelessness of web-based entertainment.

In any case, the point of convergence of posting the video NOW is to remind us the wonderful second and show proof that I NEVER AND WILL NEVER BEAT MY PARTNER LET ALONE A WOMAN 9 MONTHS GONE. The extortion and falsehoods hurt my image.

I hate aggressive behavior at home, I mission and battle against it energetically. At the point when a few ladies are irate, they utilize outrageous strategies without response/alert. Try not to mark my picture with such vilifying claim, unsuitable.

It merits the pressure of re-transferring as that was a significant criminal allegation. I’m affliated to key organizations and thoughts, quietness won’t be a decent one. BEAT a 9months pregnant lady to STUPOR is excessively outrageous for me. Age isn’t a plausible excuse for talking the TRUTH or lying. Virtual Entertainment and hogwash advantage.

— GistReel.Com (@GistReel) August 21, 2022

A few known and obscure foes just considered the video to be a road to do their DIRTY AGENDAS, tossing each mindfulness into the breeze. Very appalling. I’m really miserable yet not astounded, na dem, Que Sera.

Who God no FALL, no 10 billion scoundrels cannot fall, they will just attempt. No malevolence planned transferring SUCH JOYFUL-PAINFUL MOMENT. It remain our moral obligation, STOP PLAYING THE GENDER CARD malevolently consistently. As PARENT, we treasure each second in it and glad for it, IT IS OURS not yours, know your LIMITS and don’t cry more than the dispossessed. Abosi o lere.

NB: Dear FANS, I AM A SOFT TARGET ONLINE NOW. Strategy is to constantly drag me out ceaselessly to exhaust individuals. I will continue to accomplish something useful, SPEAK THE TRUTH AND STAND BY WHAT IS RIGHT. Overlook THEM.