The brother of a renowned rapper, Jelani, was in the information for perpetrating a shocking wrongdoing. There are charges slapped against him for the assault of a minor, not less his stepdaughter. He is currently serving his time for his indefensible deeds.

His preliminary accumulated an enormous media inclusion, him being the brother of a well known VIP and the seriousness of his activities. Maraj got captured in 2015 with claims of attack on his stepdaughter old enough 11.

Jaqueline then petitioned for legal separation in the wake of figuring out the nauseating idea of her better half following a long time of his capture. She professes to be obscure about the activities that occurred right in front of her to her girl until the capture.

The family had been up in the information for quite a while with hypotheses on how the case would continue and on the off chance that equity would be given to the person in question. Yet, the preliminary finished with 25 years of life detainment for the wrongdoer following five years of his capture.

We should be familiar with the guilty party’s ex and the casualty’s mom, Jaqueline Maraj, presently Jacquline Robinson.

Jelani Maraj’s Wife-Who Is Jaqueline Maraj? The ex of Jelani Maraj, Jaqueline Maraj, cut off her association with her better half soon after her marriage.

Jaqueline Maraj was in a content relationship with her significant other Jelani until his terrible deed was uncovered. She accepted her relationship with him was great, however it turned out her darling was a scoundrel.

The couple administered their marriage in August 2015 with weighty subsidizing from Miraj’s sister of $30,000. However, their marriage didn’t even keep going for a considerable length of time when Jaqueline broke the ties.

The persistent maltreatment of her little girl while she was with Maraj came as a shock to her. At the point when her little girl began contracting back to her shell towards the approaching of the big day, concern was raised, yet when asked, the blameless youngster used to bow her head and express nothing to her mom.

She was with her girl supporting her during the preliminary, and remained by her girl during the troublesome time. The casualty’s mom likewise uncovered that Jelani used to have liquor issues and showed savage conduct impaired.

The capture and preliminary were difficult on her. Maraj’s family blamed Jaqueline for creating the charges to extricate cash, $25 million, from the victimizer. Likewise, she got an instant message from her mother by marriage guaranteeing that she and her family were attempting to set up her kid upon the arrival of capture. In any case, the circumstance was repeated when Miraj’s mom, Carol Maraj, continued with the story that the day was confounding and that she didn’t recall such text. Simultaneously, their legal counselor attempted to back up the harm brought about by the text by expressing that it was just an attempt to safeguard her little girl’s melodic vocation.

All that To Know About Jelani Maraj’s Case Jacqueline Maraj’s ideal world broke when the insight about the capture of Jelani Maraj surfaced.

Maraj was captured in December 2015 in Nassau County with the allegation of sexual maltreatment.

Jaqueline Maraj’s girl en route to her fifth grade dace as indicated by her Twitter’s post.  The maltreatment became exposed when his 8-year-old stepson saw the demonstration where his stepdad and his sister were in a compromising position. Be that as it may, Jelani utilized actual power to close the little fellow’s mouth, compromising him to isolate from his mom and sister on the off chance that he opened his mouth. Later it was uncovered that his stepdad slapped him multiple times for inadvertently staggering on the demonstration. Notwithstanding the danger, the brave youngster advised the school authorities from where the movement for equity was set.

Maraj seethed when he thought his stepdaughter called social assistance upon him by shaking every one of the disasters. He hollered and shouted even with the young lady, asking what she spilled to them while the young lady was frightened and continued letting him know she said nothing.

During the preliminary, it was uncovered that the maltreatment began with straightforward contacts, touching, and scouring erection. Yet, things turned more regrettable when a straightforward daytime hello to her stepfather in his room began an endless loop of clear disservice for her. That day he taught her to close the entryway and exploited a minor. The maltreatment progressed forward with a successive premise, and he wouldn’t prevent in spite of consistent fights from the young lady.

The victimizer accused the honest, conditioning her that she believed it should work out, that she was contacting and brushing herself against him, that assaults were her shortcoming, and she started it. He used to compromise her, saying she would be sent away on the off chance that she didn’t conform to his desires.

The preliminary was begun in 2015 after his capture. There was sufficient proof against Maraj to demonstrate him blameworthy. The DNA of semen found in the kid’s pajama matched Maraj’s DNA. Likewise, the clinical reports showed various tears brought about by constrained and ceaseless entrance.

The preliminary ran for a couple of years, with a last decision of 25 years of detainment in January 2020 to the blameworthy.

Where Could Nicki Minaj’s Brother Today be? Nicky Minaj’s brother, Jelani Maraj, is serving his time in jail for his wrongdoing.

Jelani is a pedophile who mishandled his 11-year-old stepdaughter. The nonstop maltreatment left scarring harm on the young lady, whose name isn’t uncovered.

The offspring of Jaqueline had begun to think of him as a mentor with consistent meals and trips with her and her kids. The young lady had even requested consent from her mom to call him father. With the advancement of their relationship, Maraj requested that them all move into his Long Island home.

Jelani Maraj was condemned to 25 years to life in the slammer for more than once assaulting his 11-year-old stepdaughter  However, the family never understood what they were strolling into. However the underlying years were great, his liquor addiction made harm their bond. He would blame the mother for cheating and bestow psychological mistreatment.

This went Jaqueline to liquor, and she would even lay a hand on her youngsters because of the pressure brought about by her sweetheart.

Jaqueline Maraj’s Instagram And Social Media Jaqueline Maraj isn’t dynamic on any virtual entertainment destinations beginning around 2015.

— Jacqueline Maraj (@jackiermaraj) August 25, 2015

The occurrence with her little girl shook her, and she has not surfaced via virtual entertainment destinations. She had a Twitter account, yet other than that, she was not dynamic on Instagram and Facebook.

She joined Twitter on November 2013, and her last tweet traces all the way back to August 25, 2015. She had posted a significant number of the photographs of her pre-wedding party and was truly eager to begin her wedded life, yet destiny had different plans.