Gibbous is a lighthearted spoof of the H.P Lovecraft Cthulhu mythos. The game features the Necronomicon, a detective who always gets his man, an easy going librarian and his cat who now, thanks to a little accident, can talk. Players will meet a whole host of eerie and mysterious people as the venture through Darkham such as a Voodoo priests, fish people and cute little girls who think that it’s a great idea to be out at night on their own.

I was interested in knowing more about the game, so I got in touch with Liviu for an interview.

ESpalding: Hi there! Thank you for speaking with me today. Could you start by telling the readers a bit about yourself and Stuck in Attic?

Spalding: How long has the game been in development?

Spalding: So, Gibbous takes a lighthearted look at the Cthulhu mythology by Lovecraft. Is this something that’s always interested you?

Spalding: What would you say makes Gibbous different from other games of the same genre?

Spalding: It is obvious to any seasoned gamer that there is a lot of influence from the Lucas Arts games of the 90s in Gibbous. What made you decide on this format? Do you have a favourite Lucas Arts game? I’m a fan of Day of the Tentacle but I also really enjoyed Full Throttle.

Spalding: It hasn’t been long since you launched your Kickstarter campaign. Out of the different kinds of crowdfunding platforms, what made you decide Kickstarter and what are you hoping to get out of it?

Spalding: What stretch goal are you most excited for in your Kickstarter campaign?

Spalding: Lastly, out of the characters we see in the demo and others that we’ll meet in the full game, who is your favourite and why? 

Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure has already got the green light from Steam and will be available on PC, Mac and Linux. For those of you who are really eager to try the game, there is a demo available to download for free on their website.